Rangkaian Simulator dg Proteus :
Code List : ( Bascom AVR )
'Title Block
'Author: Suparnom .Pd
'Date : Dec 2011
'File name: BigDigitTest.V3
$crystal = 8000000 'speed of processing
$regfile = "m8535.dat" 'our micro
'setup/configure hardware
Config Porta = Input
Config Portb = Input 'switches connected here
Config Pina.4 = Output 'backlight
'bascom internal features and functions to make a clock in software
'requires 32,768 Hz crystal on PortC.6 and PortC.7
Config Date = Dmy , Separator = /
Config Clock = Soft , Gosub = Sectic 'with 1 second interrupt configured
Enable Interrupts 'starts the clock
'setup connection of LCD to micro
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , E = Portc.1 , Rs = Portc.0
Config Lcd = 20 * 4
'these characters are used to build the bigdigits
Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 15 , 31
Deflcdchar 4 , 31 , 15 , 7 , 3 , 1 , 32 , 32 , 32
Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 16 , 24 , 28 , 30 , 31
Deflcdchar 5 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 32 , 32 , 32 ' replace [x] with number (0-7)
'Deflcdchar 5 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 15 , 31 , 32 , 32 , 32
Deflcdchar 6 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 32 , 32 , 32
Deflcdchar 7 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 15 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
Deflcdchar 0 , 31 , 30 , 28 , 24 , 16 , 32 , 32 , 32
' Harware Aliases
Lcdbacklight Alias Porta.4
Piezo Alias Portb.0
Yel_btn Alias Pinb.3
Red_btn Alias Pinb.4
Blu_btn Alias Pinb.5
Blk_btn Alias Pinb.6
White_btn Alias Pinb.7
'8. initialise hardware
Cls 'Clears screen
Cursor Off 'no cursor to be displayed on lcd
Set Lcdbacklight 'turn on LCD backlight
' Declare Constants
Const Delay_time = 100
' Declare Variables
Dim Digitpos As Byte
Dim Seccount As Word
Dim I As Byte
' Initialise Variables
Date$ = "22/07/10" 'preset time on powerup
Time$ = "13:10:00"
Digitpos = 1
' 12. Program starts here
Digitpos = 1
For I = 0 To 9
Gosub Show_bigtime 'Show_bigdigit
Waitms 100
Gosub Show_smalltime
Wait 1
Gosub Show_bigtime
Wait 1
' Subroutines
Show_smalltime: 'Display time in small digits so that title
Locate 2 , 4 'and the time can fit in to the lcd.
Lcd "Time: "
Lcd Time$ ; ""
'find the digit in the tens of hours position
I = _hour / 10 'e.g. 19/10 = 1 (byte arithmentic!!)
Digitpos = 1
Gosub Show_bigdigit
'find the digit in the units of hours position
I = _hour Mod 10 'e,g. 19mod10 = 9 (finds remainder)
Digitpos = 5
Gosub Show_bigdigit
Locate 2 , 9
Lcd Chr(5)
Locate 3 , 9
Lcd Chr(2)
'find the digit in the tens of minutes position
I = _min / 10 'e.g. 21/10 = 2 (byte arithmentic!!)
Digitpos = 11
Gosub Show_bigdigit
'find the digit in the units of minutes position
I = _min Mod 10 'e.g 21mod10 = 1 (finds remainder)
Digitpos = 15
Gosub Show_bigdigit
'display the seconds in the bottom corner of the display
Locate 4 , 19
If _sec < 10 Then Lcd "0"
Lcd _sec
If I = 0 Then Gosub Disp0
If I = 1 Then Gosub Disp1
If I = 2 Then Gosub Disp2
If I = 3 Then Gosub Disp3
If I = 4 Then Gosub Disp4
If I = 5 Then Gosub Disp5
If I = 6 Then Gosub Disp6
If I = 7 Then Gosub Disp7
If I = 8 Then Gosub Disp8
If I = 9 Then Gosub Disp9
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd " "
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(5)
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(6)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(7)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(6)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd " "
Lcd " "
'Line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd Chr(255)
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(6)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(2)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(2)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'Line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(4)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
'line 1
Locate 1 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(1)
Lcd Chr(2)
Lcd Chr(3)
'line 2
Locate 2 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(255)
Lcd " "
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 3
Locate 3 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(255)
'line 4
Locate 4 , Digitpos
Lcd Chr(4)
Lcd Chr(6)
Lcd Chr(0)
Incr Seccount
Selasa, 01 Januari 2013
Posting Komentar (Atom)
BalasHapusmas ada program menampilkan data dari keypad 3x4 pada LCD gak???
BalasHapuspak bisa bantu saya membuat project
BalasHapusmikro konroller menggunakan proteus
silahkan kirim permasalahannya dulu
BalasHapuspak bs bantu saya buat project jadwal sholat dengan CodeVision AVR ? sya dapet tugas dari kampus . mohon jawabanya email ke taufiq.hidayatulloh88@gmail.com
BalasHapusPak bisa minta flowchart atau algoritmanya ga, biar bisa lebih mudah untuk dipelajari
BalasHapusTerima kasih